“Too Personal” was compiled in the same manner as my fifth book called, “Open Up”. The poetry was written from sometime just before December 31, 2004 and ends February 19, 2008. Pages 1 to 26 are “left overs” from “Open Up”, “Mash Notes” and “Mash Notes: Vol 2”. Pages 27 to 419 are poems number 1326 to 1600, inclusive. The whole book is done in chronological order so you get a sort of “diary” effect. The poetry on pages 138 to 162 were written from August 19, 2006 to August 20, 2006. Each piece on these pages were about the photograph on the same page and were meant to be published in a full colour poetry and photography book called “25 Days”. The “25 Days” project was basically this, I would take pictures on one roll of film per day and then I would write a poem about one photograph from each roll. Due to unforeseen costs “25 Days” was never published. I have included black and white reproductions of each image so you can understand what the poem was about. The technical information is even included at the end of this ridiculously long book. Read if you dare! 409 pages.
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